Monday, February 9, 2009

ahhhhhh !!!!!!

so wow now i have been in chicago for a week, and im exhausted, but a happy exhausted. i am trying to figure out the train system and that in itself gets me but i have met some interesting people on the train. we were stuck on the train due to a police matter and i met this super cool art student and we chatted and he found all of us completely fabulous hahha. let's see have orientation/class all week from 9 in the morning and then not getting back til 8 or later at night and having so much going out and about during the day is exhausting, but soooooo much fun! and then of course there is going out every night, we have had parties at each of the apartments and we've gone out as well. but that is super fun cuase we are finding the fun places to go! and we are getting to know one another. all thepeople on the program are so cool and we have soo much fun,and tis nice how the guys are all so nice and cute when we go out with them. on saturday night, we went to a play called stupid kids and it turned out that it was a this really great theatre called about face theatre. it was a production about high school kids. i didn't knwo that uptown, where it was is nicknamed boys town, becuase that is where a lot of the homosexual men live. so at the theatre i was one of 5 girls and the rest were men. it was an interesting expieren, but one to cross off my list. im from a small town so that is not someting i am used to being around. but it was fun to go see a produciton. then we came back and people came over about midnight and then we got ready to see what we were going to do and wha was a fabulous weekend and i can't wait for this week and where we'll find to go:)

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