Monday, February 16, 2009

need to catch ya'll up :)

so its been over a week since i have last i am not so good at this whole blogging thing :) anyways lately i have been so busy. the urban studies program is picking up leaving us less time to go out everynight. so i had my interview for my internship on Wednesday and to my luck it was raining and cold out. so in my head i thought that it was a good idea to still wear my heels, after all i want to look presentabale at my possible internship place. oh and i was interviewing at a organization called "The Children's Place." So after a quick train ride and even quicker bus ride I was two blocks away. hmmmmm.......when i gave the trip a test runon monday it was alot longer, maybe next time i should have not done it during lunch when everyone is on the bus and train....good one ann. so after stalling outside and being almost 45 min early i finally went in at about 20 til 10. and the lady at the desk didnt' even know who i was or why i was there and after pronouncing the lady i was suppose to be meeting with me names wrong they finally told me to wait and that she wasnt't hear yet. And as i waited i saw all of these adorbale kids coming in. but what made me sad is that all of them have some sort of disease, HIV/AIDS or other illness either themselves or with a family memeber.

So the lady finally came and gave me a tour and then we ended up going to another building down the road a ways. And it turned out that this is where I ended up accepting the internship. I am going to be working with Stephanie a social worker, and I am assigned this adorable boy named philip who has bright red hair. I am going to be helping him by playing with him and gicing him tons of attention. he has some sort of diseas or illness but i don't get to know, but he has to always wear a backpack that holds his tubes that are inside of him. i am also goign to be creating play activiteis chart that i am researching to be able to include all of the children at the home, even the immobable ones. as well as working on other things for her and also assiting ehr with play therapy. oh yeah did i mention i figured out what i want to do with my life!!

I want to be a child play therapist.

so then that night we went out and celebrated all of our internships :)

the weekend rolls around and my boyfriend is coming to visit. after class was over at 4. which did i mention we like never have class in a classroom, i beleive our city is our classroom lol :)

so friday night robert was hear and we hung out with all my roomies. and the boys in hyde park were having a party so we were going to go there, but he was tiered from the week and so we stayed in and just got to be with each other, which was nice :)

then saturday we went to the shedd aquariam and ended up having to stand in line for an hour....turns out the shedd is a popular couple and family destination on valentines day. but it was still fabulou san di got to see shark! then we walked around downtown and poked around and it was soo pretty at night. we ended up finding a restrauant called BB's resturant. we had some fabulous drinks, mine blue and was soo wouldn't know there was any alcohol in there. so once we made in back to my place. my roomated kera's finance had came 13 hours on a train to surprise her for valentines day. so the logan square people came over and we all had a little paraty at our place. which was fun ;0

wasn't a huge eventful weekend, but it was nice and it was soo special that my boyfriend could come see me, it was our first valentines day actually in the same and best part of all he lavilered me for his fraternity.

well turns out i actually have lots of homeowrk to do..all of sudden it sneaks up on you.

oh and last ngiht we all went to the new-futurists show...which is 30 plays in 60 minutes it was pretty good and some of it was funny. then our proffessor took us all out to eat at this 24 hours mexican place..yummmy!!!

can't wait to tell you about this weeks adventures :)

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